CyberSecurity updates
2025-02-05 03:32:06 Pacfic

North Korea Steals $659M in Crypto in 2024 - 19d
North Korea Steals $659M in Crypto in 2024

North Korean state-sponsored hackers are responsible for over $659 million in cryptocurrency heists during 2024. These actors are using increasingly sophisticated methods including fake job postings to conduct these attacks. This highlights the global threat and financial impact caused by North Korea’s cyber activities.

North Korean Hackers Steal Millions in Crypto - 11d
North Korean Hackers Steal Millions in Crypto

The North Korean hacking group TraderTraitor, also known as Jade Sleet, UNC4899, and Slow Pisces, is identified as the perpetrator behind the $308 million cryptocurrency theft from Japanese exchange DMM Bitcoin. The group, which is a cryptocurrency-focused element within the Reconnaissance General Bureau, primarily targets blockchain-related companies. The attackers used social engineering techniques to infiltrate the target. They have been known to use supply chain attacks to install malware.