CyberSecurity updates
2025-02-23 22:25:40 Pacfic

Poland Justice Minister Arrested Over NSO Group Spyware - 17d
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Former Polish Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro has been arrested by Polish police in connection with the illegal use of NSO Group's Pegasus spyware. The arrest follows a probe into the previous government's use of the spyware, with allegations that Ziobro signed off on government funds to pay for the technology. He is also accused of supervising cases where the spyware was deployed, suggesting a potential abuse of power.

This action is part of a broader investigation initiated by the new prime minister to address the alleged targeting of nearly 600 individuals in Poland by spyware attacks between 2017 and 2022. The probe has been ongoing for years, with a Senate commission previously finding "gross violations of constitutional standards" related to the deployment of Pegasus to hack an opposition politician's device in 2019, even alleging the 2019 elections were tainted by the use of Pegasus.